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Prince Philip: The Duke of Edinburgh 1921 - 2021

In August 2017 Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh completed the last of more than 22,000 seats public the commitment was 70 years before in 1947 that the general public first realized the handsome young naval officer that his commitment to the young Princess Elizabeth was announced that it was the longest in Britain serving the royal spouse walking two steps behind the queen in a relentless tower of royal duties has been president or loss of more than 800 charities and six million children from around the world participated in the award program that bears her name and on the distant peaceful island of Tania Landers even consider it a god and reverence photos of him most people the simply knew as the husband of the queen the father of the heir to the throne Prince Charles, but the full image of Philip is more noticeable much more intriguing and much more surprising Copenhagen Denmark Prince Philip unexpected walk to the heart of the British the royal family has its origins here during a surprising turning point of fate In the nineteenth-century his great-grandfather Christian was an officer in the Danish army who would have waited for his life out of military service with a modest income until fate intervened.

In 1863 the king of Denmark died childless and Christian was elected as his successor Frederick was childless then they threw around for the most appropriate heir and the great-grandfather of Prince Philip Christian was the son of God was a foreign relative of the king and therefore the election was placed on him his ascent to the Danish throne made their children eligible to marry other royal families and who have made many European monarchs today are their direct descendants, but their youngest son George Prince Philip grandfather came on an EU throne, not because of marriage but because of the historical event son on the opposite side of Europe Greece fought and gained independence from the bottom of an empire after the Greek War of Independence the so-called protective powers that were Britain France and Russia stipulated that the future monarch of this independent country could not be of Greece and he could not be one of the protective powers themselves, so the grandfather of Prince Philip who came from Denmark was considered the most neutral candidate, while at the same time had a decent dose of European royal blood so that this Danish prince became King George the first of Greece and his youngest son Prince Andrew married for one of the great-granddaughters of Queen Victoria Princess Alice in 1921.

They lived here in Corfu in this most cousin house where Alice became pregnant with her fifth son Princess Alice at 36 years old entered childbirth the local doctor explored the house and decided that the dining table was the simplest place to offer her birth and therefore Philipps Schleswig Holsteins under Burg seems burg a member of the Greek and Danish royal families were born in a beautiful house in an idyllic setting at first glance which was to get a very good start in life, but the danger was just around the corner Phillips Father Prince Andrew was an officer in the Greek army who at that time was involved in a three-year war against Turkey and this war resulted in a calamitous retreat, which resulted in a coup d'état of the colonel in Greece that overthrew the monarchy and many armies officers were not proven, including Prince Philip's father, Prince Andrew, who was threatened with execution by the Greek Revolutionary Court only 18 months baby Philipps was alien to the danger that his family was in his family home was under supervision his mother Alice and her sisters had to burn their father's letters and documents that many of his fellow officers were tried and then very soon after executed and Prince Philip's father could have joined them without the intervention of King George the British, who was his cousin, so an envoy was sent from Great Britain and an agreement was reached whereby Prince Andrew would be found guilty and banned for life from Greece.

The family was evacuated on The British warship, the baby Philip was taken aboard in a wooden fruit box and so at the age of 1 and a half, the British Royal Navy had entered Philip's life for the first time and while sailing from these waters, the little prince suddenly became homeless and stateless refugee fleeing the country to during which he was born displaced and dispossessed family Phillips were hooked to parents in 1923 they moved to France to stay with the family in a house near Paris Philip was sent to American school certainly when he visited the school, he was asked to recognize what was called and said they call me Philip and told me that you want to have a name different than what one means only Phillip and therefore finally said rather that you know shy and reluctantly well I guess I'm Philip of Greece and in fact, that was probably known to recognize you a particular amount of pleasure as well as your memories of your life in Paris in the 1920s were good was a traditional family life insofar as I used to refer to said that I visited the school was not a minimum of a little aware of the fact that I was anyway different from others, it is true that I had this title of a prince but it is surprising how we will live down, but in 1930 age 9 life Normal family ended mother Phillips Alice suffered from a nervous breakdown.

She was diagnosed with schizophrenia and placed in a sanatorium in Switzerland Philip and her sisters were removed for the day leaving her mother while they were out the bell rang these men came and tried to demand her voluntarily and she was not going so they basically injected her a sedative then she got hung in the car and drove south to Lake Constance where she was placed during this type of safe asylum initially, Philip was able to visit her mother, but as she was transferred between different institutions lost contact with her she completely disappeared from her life between the age of 10 and 15 years of type and during This time, Philip's father went to live on the French Riviera with their sisters loving Prince Philip almost grew up at this point and soon married the German princess Prince Philip was really the one who was the most victim of all this between 1930 and 1931 the four sisters Phillips married German aristocrats and moved to Germany.

I feel like father thought he was very intermittent then he left and his mother and fought at this point was a nomadic lifestyle that had to be very difficult because he was much younger then his sisters so he had been almost as if it was just the luggage area going on with the movements so he had friends elsewhere I found it enough I found them from were when he visited the preparation school and places you recognize that the one who took him on vacation, because he had nowhere else to go literally in 1933, Philip went to Germany to stay with his sister Theodora and father of her husband Bertolt had established an elite school with the education pioneer Kurt Hahn in an equivalent year Hitler and the Nazis took power and opened the main concentration camp of Dachau, Kurt Hahn was a Jewish and had publicly criticized the Nazis who were imprisoned and released only when British Prime Minister Ramsey McDonald personally intervened Hahn fled in the UK where he founded a new school in northern Scotland Goren stein and Philip was going to be a truly one among the elementary school students sent there in 1934 as things in Germany deteriorated hands cut off ideas were modern and progressive in his time.

He visited Monte Carlo to collect his father’s property and debts totalling £17,500, including the gold ring worn since the birth of Louis Mountbatten, his Friends and family call it Dickie, and it always falls short. As the prince himself said, Phillips’ father abandoned me, and I don’t think anyone thinks I have a father. Philip said that most people think that Wikipedia, at least my father Barton Hill, also encouraged the relationship between Phillips and Elizabeth. Phillips grew old in the war. When Philip surrendered to the war, he was trained as a pilot and mechanic. He used the complete model of the only Naval Command HMS Magpie to design the living room, bedroom and his own office and helped Designed parts of the UK. Including his research here, the Duke of Edinburgh hopes to use this ship to his advantage in 1956, sail without a queen, and bring Britain to the most remote areas of the Commonwealth. 

Climb the Falkland Islands including Antarctica and become a former sailor of Christmas. The real adventure is to travel to the Commonwealth areas that are only accessible by sea, including the bridge base in Antarctica, which means spending four months with the family, including Christmas. However, the Queen talked about the importance of her husband’s mission in the UK in her Christmas speech, and most importantly, the main reason for this trip is to promote and promote the desire for harmony and understanding within the Commonwealth. This is the longest solo trip. Philip served as the queen’s spouse and eventually visited more places in the Commonwealth in person, more than any other member of the royal family. The day after returning home, he received a new title and is now officially named Prince Philip. 

He also awakened people that due to a lifelong interest in science, nature and other cultures, many artifacts on the British ship showed the friendliness and diversity of the community, including this kind of courtesy killer dedicated by the people of Vanuatu. Some tribes think Philip It's God, let's just say it looks like it hasn't been used. Felipe also recently hoped that his adventure trip would be educational, as evidenced by the children's TV show he showed. I have a movie showing some dancers from New Guinea. I think this is a museum. People visit it everywhere. It is covered with bright yellow and beautiful feathers. Here, they are the feathers of bird of paradise, and they are very colorful. As you can see, they have been very long. Over time, the dance lasted about two days, imagine that they must become very stiff afterwards. 

For many British children, this is the first opportunity to learn about the cultural diversity that makes up the Commonwealth. Felipe fell in love with this new TV in 1957 with a scientific documentary. Although radio engineers troubled by bullets direct their broadcasts directly to the departed ionosphere, back to the receiving station, or bounce off the mat in the pocket like a billiard ball, it can still keep up with the rhythm of immersive technology. The changes that had such an impact not only kept up with their pace, but they also had an idea of ​​the way forward and the impact on them. In the 1960s, Prime Minister Harold Wilson talked about the modernization of Britain with new technologies. The joking image on the top of the helicopter taking off from the stadium seems to symbolize Philip's progress and the era of technological development. In order to keep pace with the times, he is a modernist, and he wants to inspire new ideas about the monarchy. 

In the British science and technology circles, he proved this in 1961, when he was the first king I was interviewed on TV. Better teaching. I think many industries in our industry are traditional because it has developed into a modern Skills of the labor force. Jokingly understand that the entire industry model has undergone a change, and I don’t want it to continue to compete. If we only use unskilled labor, we need to make full use of people's skills and talents, and we know that the people of this country have outstanding talents, which is really great. If they understand this, we must make the most of it. They are very interested in how things work. I mean, you have been trying to improve something, and he understands this technology. There will be many things happening in the future, and mastering the right skills is absolutely vital. Felipe was also the first member of the royal family to hold a press conference and answer direct questions.
